Florida Road Trips

Florida Road Trips

Make your next adventure one of our Florida Road Trips. One state, so many great drives and places to visit!

Visit Florida, The Sunshine state

The great climate, world class beaches and awesome theme parks make Florida a must for millions of tourists. So, get yourself a convertible and explore the glory that the Sunshine State has to offer.

Explore our Florida road trips below

what our customers say

Just a quick note to thank you and the american road trip company team for a fantastic trip! Everything was great, the pack and maps made everything so easy, we saw so many great sights and all the hotels you arranged for us were lovely! Thank you for doing all the hard work so that we could just relax and look forward to the trip.

Lisa & Andrew

frequently asked questions

You can find the solutions to your queries right here. Do you still require assistance? Feel free to get in touch!

Can I Add Extra Nights To The Road Trips?
Must I Have Travel Insurance?
Can I Do A One-Way Rental?
Am I Limited To Certain Hotels Or Chains?
How Old Do I Need To Be?

Our Trusted Partners And Providers

ARTCo customers can be confident that we only work with the very best service providers, such as Virgin Atlantic, British Airways and Alamo. Any payments made to us are fully protected via the government’s ATOL scheme (Flight packages) or Financial Failure Insurance (Non-Flight Packages).

Contact Us

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